Celebrate Chinese New Year with TCIS

Dear TCIS community:

The TCIS Chinese Department will hold a Chinese New Year Celebration on Friday, February 9th from 8:30 to 15:10.  

From 8:30-10:00, there will be performances in the 5th floor gym with more than 100 students performing on stage. The performances will include:  Lion dance, drumming, Chinese Kung Fu, singing and dancing. Parents, please be sure to attend to encourage and cheer on your student! From 10:20 to 11:55, the Chinese teachers from all levels will arrange various Chinese activities for you to experience the Chinese New Year atmosphere.

From 12:40-14:20, you will have the opportunity to visit booths at the basketball court and soccer field where you can enjoy food and games.  You are also welcome to have your own booth. If you wish to register a booth, please fill out the form below before next Wednesday (January 31st).

Chinese New Year Booth Recruitment Questionnaire

If you have any questions feel free to send me an email ([email protected]).   

For a more detailed schedule, please click here.

Happy New Year from the TCIS Chinese Department!




時光荏苒,一年一度的中國新年又到了。TCIS 中文部將於本學期 2 月 9 日(星期五)8:30 至 15:10 舉辦中國新年活動,在此誠摯邀請各位家長蒞臨現場共襄盛舉。8:30-10:00 在 5 樓體育館將會有一系列表演活動,包括:舞龍舞獅、打鼓、功夫、歌唱及舞蹈表演等;10:20-11:55 將有各年級的教師所規劃的新年體驗活動;12:40-14:20 在室外籃球場及足球場陳設不同的攤位販售食物。

攤位邀請全校師生及家長一同參與,有興趣的人請於 1 月 31 日 (禮拜三) 以前至以下連結填寫資料,以利我們安排攤位位置。





謝忠安 謹啟
